I'm Brittany.
About me.

Motivation is my passion
Get to
know me.
Bachelors in Biological Science and M.B.A
I’m BRITT and I spent my entire life letting fear control me. Sitting in the background. Too scared to JUMP out of my comfort zone into my biggest dreams. During this time I also lost my business which left me broke, unemployed and working at a restaurant at night while I went door to door trying to re-build the business that I had lost.

Consistency is key
Experienced Business Mogul.
Here at Britt Don’t Quit you can expect to be CHALLENGED. These challenges aren’t called challenges because they are easy, it’s because they are not EASY!
And that’s ok. What I have come to realize is when you get the feeling in your stomach that you are so scared you want to pass out, that means you are on the right path.
Keep going. Success and sacrifice go together and you will never accomplish your dreams without putting in the work.
Active audacity
What I Can Help You WIth.
Welcome- I’m Britt. I am a M.B.A Entrepreneur with a concentration in Healthcare, and I have opened several Healthcare Clinic’s in Houston as well as the surrounding areas.
My passion for Healthcare quality healthcare that services consistent, and quality services to Children, Adolescent, and Adults.
My concentration in Healthcare has allowed me to grow my healthcare practice to over 7 figures. After leaving corporate over 9 years ago, there was never a time that I wished to be back. Leading my own destiny, having control of my income for my family is something that I would never give back to anyone.
One of the most important aspects to my Business Program is teaching you the skill of Marketing. Most providers know how to do the work, however struggle with referrals. Well worry no MORE! My program will show you how to increase referrals at your clinic so you can SIT BACK and enjoy your patients.